You see that person over there? That’s who I wanna be
I want that to be me, they look so happy
I want to smile all day
And talk in a positive way
I want there to be no negative thoughts in my mind
That’s the Life that I’ve been trying to find
Most of us think like this, don’t we?
Constantly saying, “Why can’t that be me?”
The crazy thing is it can be
It just takes work, it’s not that easy
What we fail to see
Is that it takes courage to be truly happy
It’s not going to be...
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The sun comes out and starts to shine
You realize you’re gonna be fine
You take a breath of fresh air
And look up to the sky and stare
You think about where you’ve been and where you are
And how you’ve come so far
From the bottom you climbed your way out
Passed all the darkness, passed all the doubt
You find yourself in an abundance of light
That’s your future you see, it looks so bright
And so here you stand tall, soaking in the rays
Looking back on the good ol’ days
You see now they’re good, but how can...
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Live Life Every Day ® was founded on March 20, 2010 making today our 8th Birthday! Also, don't forget we share our birthday with the International Day of Happiness! Here's a special message from our Founder and President:
8 years is a long timeIt’s a long drain on a strong mind
But this strong mind was built for thisThe strength to endure every hit or missMost people would have quit by nowQuit? How?I don’t even know what the word quit meansTo give up?When times get tough?That’s the definition, it seemsIt’s been 8 years of building...
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There are many thoughts about this one little word
Many arguments for and against, have surely been heard
Is change good? Is change bad?
Will change help you stop being sad?
Like every other question in Life, the answer isn’t clear
But one thing’s for sure, it’s a word we shouldn’t fear
Sometimes change is exactly what we need
So put it on the menu and let your soul feed
Change comes in different shapes and sizes
Often times it’s full of surprises
It’s always filled with something new
A new Life experience or even...
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There are times when questions fill our mind
And the answers are hard to find
You may question who you are
You may question will it ever heal and turn to a scar?
Will I be okay?
Is this where I need to be, should I stay?
Is this what I’m meant for?
Will my heart stop being sore?
Will I ever change the world?
Will I ever see the world?
Will I succeed?
Or do I still need to bleed?
Will my luck...
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Why are we so scared to be happy?
You’ll probably say, “That’s not true, it can’t be!”
But our actions say otherwise
Constantly feeding our lies
We tell ourselves one thing, yet do another
It’s become very apparent in the way we treat each other
Sometimes we hold on to the pain
Feeling more comfortable as we dance in the rain
We cover our eyes from the truth
Blinding ourselves from the proof
So scared of what may be
We stay sad and unhappy
Doors open and close as we...
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